31B Alternative Sugar Beer

2015 edition of the BJCP Style Guidelines

Vital Statistics

OG, FG, IBUs, SRM and ABV will vary
depending on the underlying base beer


Aroma: Same as the base beer, except that some additional fermentables (honey, molasses, etc.) may add an aroma component. Whatever additional aroma component is present should be in balance with the beer components, and be a pleasant combination.

Appearance: Same as the base beer, although some sugars will bring additional colors.

Flavor: Same as the base beer, except that some additional fermentables (honey, molasses, etc.) may add a flavor component. Whatever additional flavor component is present should be in balance with the beer components, and be a pleasant combination. Added sugars should not have a raw, unfermented flavor. Some added sugars will have unfermentable elements that may provide a fuller finish; fully fermentable sugars may thin out the finish.

Mouthfeel: Same as the base beer, although depending on the type of sugar added, could increase or decrease the body.

Impression: A harmonious marriage of sugar and beer, but still recognizable as a beer. The sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.

Comments: If the additional fermentables do not add a distinguishable character to the beer, enter it in the base style category. A honey-based beer should not have so much honey BJCP Beer Style Guidelines – 2015 Edition 67 that it reads more like a mead with beer (i.e., a braggot) than a honey beer. This style should not be used for styles where the alternative sugar is fundamental to the style definition, or where a small amount of neutral-flavored sugar is used simply to increase gravity, increase attenuation, or lighten flavor or body; those beers should be entered as the normal base style.

Entry Instructions: The entrant must specify a base style, but the declared style does not have to be a Classic Style. The entrant must specify the type of sugar used.

Commercial Examples: Bell’s Hopslam, Fullers Honey Dew, Lagunitas Brown Shugga’