C2B Cider with Other Fruit
2015 edition of the BJCP Style Guidelines
Vital Statistics
Aroma: The cider character must be present and must fit with the other fruits. It is a fault if the added fruit(s) completely dominate; a judge might ask, Would this be different if neutral spirits replaced the cider? A fruit cider should not be like an alco-pop. Oxidation is a fault.
Appearance: Clear to brilliant. Color appropriate to added fruit, but should not show oxidation characteristics. (For example, red berries should give red-to-purple color, not orange.)
Flavor: The cider character must be present and must fit with the other fruits. It is a fault if the added fruit(s) completely dominate; a judge might ask, Would this be different if neutral spirits replaced the cider? A fruit cider should not be like an alco-pop. Oxidation is a fault.
Mouthfeel: Substantial. May be significantly tannic, depending on fruit added.
Impression: Like a white wine with complex flavors. The apple character must marry with the added fruit so that neither one dominates the other.
Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 categories). Entrants MUST specify all fruit(s) and/or fruit juice(s) added.
Commercial Examples: [US] West County Blueberry-Apple Wine (MA), Bellwether Cherry Street (NY), Uncle John’s Fruit Farm Winery Apple Cherry, Apple Blueberry, and Apricot Apple Hard Cider (MI)