C2F Specialty Cider/Perry
2015 edition of the BJCP Style Guidelines
Vital Statistics
Aroma: The cider character must always be present, and must fit with added ingredients. If a spirit barrel was used, the character of the spirit (rum, whiskey, etc.) must be no more than just recognizable; it must not be a substantial element of the flavor.
Appearance: Clear to brilliant. Color should be that of a standard cider unless other ingredients are expected to contribute color.
Flavor: The cider character must always be present, and must fit with added ingredients. If a spirit barrel was used, the character of the spirit (rum, whiskey, etc.) must be no more than just recognizable; it must not be a substantial element of the flavor.
Mouthfeel: Average body, may show tannic (astringent) or heavy body as determined by other ingredients.
Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify all ingredients. Entrants MUST specify carbonation level (3 levels). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (5 categories).
Commercial Examples: [US] Finn River Fire Barrel (WA)